Michele Bundy Blogger Alert!

September 6, 2024

Beyond the Butterflies: The Difference Between Being In Love and Loving Someone 💋🦋🦋🦋❤️

Navigating the Shifting Tides & Embracing the Evolution of Love!

We often use the phrases "in love" and "loving someone" interchangeably, but there's a subtle yet profound distinction between the two. As I explore in my novel Woman’s Heart, the characters grapple with this very distinction, navigating the complexities of a love that has evolved beyond the initial spark of infatuation. Understanding this difference can be crucial in navigating the complexities of long-term relationships and...

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August 28, 2024

The Great Social Media Block-a-thon: A Comedy of Errors!

The Unofficial Guide to Digital Passive-Aggression Games.

In the grand theater of social media, the act of blocking and unblocking has become a tragicomic performance, full of sound and fury, signifying... well, mostly just our own confusion. We navigate this digital landscape with the finesse of a toddler learning to walk, stumbling over our own emotions and tripping over the tangled wires of our relationships.

One minute, we're declaring undying love for our bestie on Instagram, the next...

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August 26, 2024

The Hard Boundary of Empathy: Demanding Respect for My Experiences

Beyond 'I Love You': The Language of True Affection

Setting boundaries is crucial for healthy relationships, and one boundary I've recently established is demanding empathy from those in my life. It hasn't been easy to use the word "demand," as it can feel forceful or even confrontational. However, sometimes it's necessary to convey the importance of a particular boundary.

In my case, I've experienced situations where people have invalidated my feelings and experiences. They've questioned my...

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August 24, 2024

Heart on a Tightrope: The Dizzying Dance of Moving On

Tonight, I have a date.

It's a simple statement, yet it carries a weight threatening to crush me. A date. A chance encounter, a flicker of hope, a possibility for a new beginning. But my heart, stubborn and steadfast, refuses to fully embrace the prospect. It clings to the echoes of a love that refuses to fade, a love that, despite its complexities and challenges, still holds a powerful grip on my soul.

For some of us, moving on is not a simple flick of a switch. The sting of feeling discarded...

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August 19, 2024

Under the Super Blue Sturgeon Moon: Navigating Emotional Tides and Harvesting Inner Strength

Embracing the Shadows, Embracing the Light: A Journey of Self-Discovery

The celestial stage is set for a rare and potent spectacle: a Super Blue Sturgeon Moon graces our skies, its luminous presence both awe-inspiring and unsettling. This trifecta of lunar events — a second full moon in a single month, the moon at its closest point to Earth, and coinciding with the traditional Sturgeon Moon — heralds a time of heightened energy, emotional intensity, and profound transformation. A Super Blue...

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August 18, 2024

The Silent Ache: Mental Exhaustion of a Rollercoaster Ride!

Love is a battlefield, they say. But sometimes, it feels more like a rollercoaster!

A relentless ride of soaring highs and plunging lows leaves you breathless, disoriented, and utterly exhausted. A gator grip of emotional turbulence, a silent war waged within the confines of our minds.

The constant push and pull, the mixed signals, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air – it's enough to drain even the most resilient spirit. The sleepless nights spent analyzing messages, social media...

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July 23, 2024

Rikers: A Haunting Echo, A Fight for Survival

Never Surrender

The chilling image you see above is not just art; it's the embodiment of despair, loss, and the relentless fight for survival within Rikers Island's unforgiving walls.

The dove, a symbol of peace and freedom, flies. This stark juxtaposition alongside a skull captures the harrowing reality faced by countless souls trapped within this notorious institution.

My book, "Rikers Island," is a raw and unflinching account of experiences within that hellish place.

It's dedicated to ...

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July 21, 2024

Embracing the Release: A Capricorn Full Moon Ritual for Letting Go

The Art of the Capricorn Full Moon

Today, the Capricorn Full Moon, a celestial spectacle, graces our skies and finds us in a moment of profound significance for emotional release, self-reflection, and setting intentions for the future. In astrology, the full moon is associated with culmination, illumination, and the surfacing of hidden emotions. In the grounded and practical sign of Capricorn, this lunar energy takes on a unique flavor, emphasizing themes of responsibility, discipline, and...

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July 18, 2024

Finding My Voice Through Art: A Journey of Healing from Trauma

There's a saying that goes, "Art is pain made beautiful." For me, it's pain made purposeful.

Trauma leaves scars – some visible, some hidden deep within. My own journey through the fire of domestic violence and the harrowing experience of incarceration at Rikers Island has been one of survival, resilience, and ultimately, an unexpected creative awakening.

The path of healing from domestic violence and the trauma of incarceration is a winding one, fraught with setbacks and emotional triggers....

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July 17, 2024

Michele Evans to Transform Pain into Power Through Sculpture in Rikers Narrative Change Fellowship

Rikers Public Memory Project Launches Inaugural Fellowship to Amplify Directly-Impacted Voices

Four fellows will embark on creative projects that shed light on the often-unheard stories and perspectives surrounding Rikers Island.

The Rikers Narrative Change Community Fellowship is more than just funding; it's about providing a platform for these artists to share their truths, challenge dominant narratives, and ignite meaningful conversations. Each project will include a public engagement...

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July 5, 2024

The Unapologetic Declaration: Why Stating Your Needs is the Key to Love's Ignition

In a world that often equates vulnerability with weakness, daring to express our needs can feel like a revolutionary act.

We're conditioned to be self-sufficient, independent, and emotionally stoic, especially as women. But what if embracing our needs, in all their messy, passionate glory, is the key to unlocking deeper, more fulfilling connections?

In a world that often rewards stoicism and emotional detachment, vulnerability can feel like a weakness. We're taught to guard our hearts, to...

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July 4, 2024

When Love Meets Helplessness: A Reflection on Loss and Longing

Today, the weight of the past presses heavily on my heart. It's been two years since my niece, Macie, was tragically taken from us in a 4th of July Parade accident. Two years of unimaginable pain and grief for my family, a wound that time can never fully heal.

For me, the pain is amplified by a cruel twist of fate. Two years ago, I was trapped in prison, battling a severe medical condition that had me hospitalized and robbed me of my memory and cognitive abilities. When I finally regained...

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Blogger Alert!! - Michele Bundy

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