Rikers Island: Criminalized Survivor!  - Michele Bundy

Writing books to help heal & create a better world

Writing is my sanctuary, a space where I can unravel the complexities of life and make sense of my own experiences. It's a therapeutic process, a way to heal the wounds of the past and find solace in the present. By delving into my memories and emotions, I'm not only exorcising personal demons, but also crafting narratives that resonate with others who may be facing similar challenges.

The power of storytelling extends beyond individual healing. It has the potential to inspire change and contribute to a better world. My feature films, drawn from my own life and observations, aim to spark conversations about social issues, challenge norms, and foster empathy. 

They are a mirror reflecting the world as seen through an imperfect lens, and a window into the possibilities of what it could be. Through these narratives, I hope to create a ripple effect, encouraging audiences to reflect on their own lives and the world around them. 

Every story has the power to plant a seed of change, and it's my hope that these seeds will blossom into a more just, compassionate, and understanding world.

I still remember that day in my professor's office, the words pouring out of me with a mix of passion and frustration. "We need to hear the stories that haven't been told," I implored, my voice echoing in the quiet room. 

The silence that followed felt heavy, a recognition of the truth in my plea. The stories of marginalized communities, the voices silenced by history, the perspectives erased by dominant narratives – these were the stories that needed to be heard, and it was a responsibility I felt deeply.



since my arrival 2019


since 2019


since 2019

Let's start building together & celebrating LOVE in all it's forms!

In my novels, I strive to portray love as something that transcends boundaries and defies conventional norms. I paint vivid portraits of characters navigating the complexities of plural love, where hearts intertwine in constellations of affection and commitment. My stories celebrate the beauty of interracial relationships, showcasing the richness and strength that arise from embracing differences. With sensitivity and insight, I delve into the joys, challenges, and triumphs experienced by individuals who dare to love beyond societal expectations.

Through my compelling narratives, I challenge readers to question preconceived notions and embrace a more inclusive understanding of love. 

I explore the complexities of navigating relationships that defy traditional labels, offering a glimpse into the lives of characters who forge their own paths to happiness. 

By showcasing the resilience and authenticity of plural love and interracial relationships, I hope to inspire readers to celebrate the diversity of human connection.

Binghams: Plural Love - Michele Bundy
Fluencer: From Social Media to the Silver Screen! - Michele Bundy

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